Discharge services

Accelerate patient discharges and optimise your capacity with our comprehensive supported discharge services. By leveraging timely assessments, end-to-end case management, and our skilled workforce, we improve patient flow and enable more individuals to return to the comfort of their own homes.

With over 25 years of experience supporting healthcare providers, our trusted discharge services are support acute, community, and mental health hospitals, as well as local authorities.

The discharge services we offer

Hospital discharge

We source intermediate and long-term care placements and care providers at pace whilst supporting patient choice when appropriate. End-to-end care coordination of the patient’s discharge journey, providing regular updates to system partners, providers and families.

Discharge to assess (D2A) management

Reduce patients’ length of stay and increase capacity through coordinated and tracked discharge management across your key pathways, where we manage social care assessments, therapy input and healthcare and funding checks.

Supported discharge

An enhanced discharge management service provides the workforce to deliver the care required and case management on a pathway, allowing patients to leave the hospital sooner.

Trusted assessor

To enable patients to be assessed by care providers more timely, we provide a trusted assessor service. Working with local care providers, we perform the assessments on their behalf.

Assisted transformation

Providing you with solutions and recommendations to improve patient flow performance through a detailed analysis of your system and process functionality. By scoping and tracking patients’ journeys, we evidence trends and barriers to patient flow and deliver solutions.

Admission avoidance

Avoid unnecessary admission to your emergency department (A&E) through our solution, where we track patients from care homes, signposting community services and planning for discharge from day one.

Wellbeing checks

Giving you visibility of patients in the community to highlight issues with patients to avoid readmission. Our service delivers frequent contact with patients reviewing their package of care to maintain patient welfare.

Surge ward management

Provision of trained clinicians to alleviate resource capacity. We deliver a ward management service where patients’ needs are reviewed to enable reduction of ongoing pathway 1&2 point of care requirements.

Why choose us?

Tailored to your goals: Achieve more with a flexible service 

Our discharge services can be customised to align with your organisational objectives. We offer flexible and outcome-focused commercial agreements, prioritising patient safety and comfort at every step. Let us help you optimise inpatient capacity while providing a seamless and satisfactory patient experience. 

Optimise inpatient capacity: Minimise readmissions, maximise access 

Effective case management and targeted care delivered through our services result in fewer patients needing to be readmitted to the hospital.   

Enhance the patient experience: Home first approach 

We understand that there’s no substitute for one’s own bed. Our discharge services reduce the stress associated with the uncertainties of leaving the hospital. From arranging transportation upon discharge to securing top-quality care at home, our dedicated teams keep patients and their families well-informed throughout the entire discharge process. 

Streamline system efficiencies: your trusted extension  

As an extension of your team, we offer additional capacity to hospital discharge teams facing challenges such as increased caseloads, understaffing, and winter pressures. By collaborating seamlessly with your staff, we ensure smooth and efficient discharges, minimising delayed transfer of care. 

Reducing delayed transfer of care: Quality care where patients need it most  

Deploying more than 30,000 healthcare workers globally each week, your patients have access to scalable reablement and rehabilitation community care, ensuring they receive quality care in the place they call home.

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