Transforming weight management services in the London borough of Newham

Transforming weight management services in the London borough of Newham

Xyla, part of Acacium Group, successfully delivered a Tier 2 Weight Management Service in Newham, focusing on residents with specified BMI thresholds from 2021 to 2022. Due to its effectiveness, the programme was extended from 2022 to 2026.

Key statistics

  • Participants experienced an average weight loss of 3% at the end of 12 weeks
  • 73% of participants maintained a lower weight six months post-programme
  • 96% reported sustained improvements in their diet and habits

The challenge

The Covid-19 pandemic had a disproportionate impact on individuals living with obesity, posing a significant public health challenge. In the London Borough of Newham, this issue was exacerbated within its diverse community, where the risks associated with obesity were notably higher.

Why Acacium Group?

Xyla, part of Acacium Group, was selected for its extensive experience delivering tailored health and wellbeing services. With a proven track record of success in various health initiatives, Xyla brought a deep understanding of the health challenges faced by overweight people during the COVID-19 pandemic. These clinician-led programmes aligned with national health standards, combining expertise with a tailored response to adapt services to meet the needs of diverse communities made a good fit for Newham’s needs.

Read more here

The Solution

Xyla’s Tier 2 Weight Management Service offered Newham residents a holistic approach to tackling obesity. The service was designed to be comprehensive, incorporating dietary advice, physical activity plans, and behaviour change strategies for sustainable, long-term change.

The programme addressed various factors affecting health behaviours using the COM-B model and a biopsychosocial approach. The service was offered in group and one-on-one settings, ensuring accessibility and personalisation.

It was also flexible, with a 12-week duration that could be adapted to meet individual needs. Through continuous peer support and collaboration with the Well Newham partnership, the programme was co-created with residents, ensuring it was responsive to the community’s unique challenges and opportunities.


The following results are captured from the 2021-2022 programme.

Engaging participants, securing results

Participants reported an average weight loss of 3% at the end of the 12 weeks. 96% of participants noted improvements in their diet and habits, which speaks to the tangible health benefits of the programme.

Sustainable long-term change

73% of participants maintained a lower weight six months after completing the programme, underscoring the programme’s long-term impact on participants’ lifestyles and health behaviours. Additionally, the service’s penetration into the top 20% of deprived areas in Newham was particularly effective, with 86% of completers coming from these areas, demonstrating the programme’s reach and its strategic focus on addressing health inequalities within the community.

Addressing health inequalities

The programme demonstrated a strong commitment to inclusivity and accessibility within Newham’s diverse community, with 72% of its participants from ethnically diverse backgrounds, effectively addressing the needs of a multicultural population. The programme also engaged 13% of individuals with physical or learning disabilities, expanding its accessibility and ensuring comprehensive community coverage. Gender diversity was also a significant focus, with men constituting 23% of the starters, showcasing the programme’s broad appeal and its success in attracting a demographic typically underrepresented in weight management initiatives.

“Motivation to walk was very difficult before joining this programme but now I am walking 5000 steps every day and enjoying it which is something I never thought I could do. Having this opportunity to receive health information in Bengali language will especially help my family and friends.”

Tier 2 Weight Management Service user